(posted on July 29, 2008)

My principles of health were formed in the years I was serving my clients as a professional therapist.  I taught stress management classes, worked with local health organizations, providing hypnosis, guided imagery, and relaxation training. I had seen many real life examples of the connections between the mind and the body.   The seven principles of health which were the basis for my series of lessons all start with the letter M.  Seven Principles, Seven Actions: Mouth, Meditation, Movement, Mission, Mentors, Mirth, and Music.

I believe….

1) the mouth has something to do with the way we stay healthy or get sick.   What we eat, drink, take, smoke, or SAY has a lot to do with our physical and mental health.

2) Meditation in any form will allow our minds to be at ease.  A mind at peace sets the stage for the body to return to healthy balance.

3) Mission means we have something to live for.  Good evidence exists that when people retire with nothing to do, no contribution to make, they tend to get sick and die.

4) Mentors are important to our health.  Life long learning is associated with life long health.  An open, active mind prevents the atrophy of our brain cells.   A mentor is someone who provides information, encouragement, counseling, and relationship.

5) Movement of mind and body is necessary.  The old saying, “Move it or lose it” applies to mind as well as body.

6) Mirth, laughter, merriment, a positive attitude correlates with good health.

7) I have witnessed the power of music and sound to restore balance in our flow of energy; the power of music to establish moods; the power of music to change our moods; and the power of our own voices to create vibrational healing.

Joy is the result of these M’s.  What we focus on becomes our reality.  That is a law of learning theory.  Therefore, focus on these positive M’s will lead to healthy existence in Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit.

Related writing:  “Your Lifelong Compass of JOY”;
“A script for taming your mind”;
“Transform your inner critic into your inner strengths coach”