One of the best researchers on the scene today is a woman named Brene Brown, Ph.D.,LMSW. You can see and hear her on You-Tube or TED talks. She is a Social Worker who has done extensive research on the negative emotion called shame. I think she is incredibly brilliant. She is transparent, authentic, compassionate, and very connected. I recommend all her books, especially the latest one, published this year and entitled, “Daring Greatly.” Shame is one of our most pervasive, dangerous negative emotions. She has wisely suggested that the answer to shame is resilience. We study resilience in Bio-Mimicry and I learned that resilience is nature’s answer to cycles of decay and death. It is our natural tendency to try again following failure. We spring back from our defeat with new courage, unless we are caught in the spiral of shame, which is a basic self belief that we are not enough.