Just when I think things are smoothing out and we are actually on our way to “Beginners Heaven,” one of us makes a mistake and there we are again, guilty and ashamed, just like the old feelings from childhood. They are like deep fractal patterns that recur under present circumstances. So, here is the latest story of this fractal wave. It is sort of a tsunami in miniature right here in Elm Grove, our beautiful little neighborhood.
Month: October 2011
Byron Katie: Try to Make People Moral……
…and you lay the groundwork for vice (when you try to make people moral). This post is an excerpt from Byron Katie’s book, A Thousand Names for Joy. On pages 185 to 187, she says:
“Being present means living without control and always having your needs met. For people who are tired of the pain, nothing could be worse than trying to control what can’t be controlled. If you want real control, drop the illusion of control. Let life live you. It does anyway. You’re just telling the story about how it doesn’t, and that’s a story that can never be real. You didn’t make the rain or the sun or the moon. You have no control over your lungs or your heart or your vision or your breath. One minute you’re fine and healthy, the next minute you’re not. When you try to be safe, you live your life being very, very careful, and you may wind up having no life at all. Everything is nourishment. I like to say,