1935 that is. We were picking peas, beans, and okra on a hot day in August. Watermelon and cantaloupe were growing in the furrowed dark brown loam, waiting to be thumped for ripeness, ready to harvest and place in the bed of the wagon. The wagon was pulled by our two horses, old Maude and Shorty. The setting was our family farm south of Ralls, TX, east of Lubbock. This lush green garden in the lower edge of the cotton field was called “The Truck Patch.” Mother, Daddy, and I were picking the produce, including a big green, striped watermelon. That watermelon would be placed in the cool water of the hog trough and we would have a feast later that day. My little brother, Don was not yet two years old and needed his diaper freshened, so my Mother had walked with him to the yellow farm house. That left the Model A Ford and the wagon with its team of horses still in the truck patch. My Daddy and I were the only two humans and we were at least a mile or more from the house.
Year: 2020
Seventy Years of Voting
November 3, 2020–another election day in the life of this one citizen.
I have voted. That is my only power. I am grateful to live in this country.
I am grateful to my friend of many years, Flint Sparks, who offered this poem for our contemplation on this election day in the United States of America. Written by Maya Angelou and spoken by her on the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations:
Staying Safe
This Covid quarantine period of isolation somehow reminds me of my childhood during the great depression , which began the year I was born, 1929. We had little to entertain us, and no communication with the outside world on a daily basis. I learned then and I have re-learned now to live in solitude. I recall the joy of reading, playing the piano, and many hours alone with my imagination. I have come to value that solitude.
“Catching Up”
April 1, 2020
We live in interesting times! The social distancing required by the spread of COVID-19 has brought many changes in our lives. Since I live alone, the changes are minimal. Yesterday, five of my friends brought our lunches to a lovely golf course adjoining one friend’s home. We set up our chairs six feet apart and had a lively discussion while enjoying the beautiful sunlit day. Blue sky and white fluffy clouds, cool weather and a good time had by all.