September 13, 2010 Reading List
We cherish our mornings here at 686 Clear Springs Hollow, Elm Grove Subdivision, Buda, Texas. Today, we had broiled grapefruit, an apple, coffee and tea and the weekly bowlfull of vitamins and supplements. Then we have the luxury of reading to each other as our choice of starting the morning. Today, we are reading from these books,
July 3, 2010 “MRS. DUNWOODY”
Last week was a whirlwind of activity in Georgia. I am privileged to continue my work as a Strengths coach and counselor to InterfaceFlor, Inc. Most of my work is on the telephone, by appointment, yet I love the times when I travel and can meet face-to-face with these friends. When I go to the Interface facility in LaGrange, GA, I try to work in as many meetings and events as I can. This trip was for another Tribal Gathering, this one for the hospitality industry. We met wonderful people, all ages, and all facets of the hotel business and a good time was had by all. The next day, I held several group meetings and our final day was a very satisfying meeting. This was not a meeting-as-usual, but a “reflecting” with some 40 leaders in the Interface family. I was gratified by the response of each individual, taking ownership and leadership in their own style and Strengths-Path. As I move into my wise elder years, I feel confident in the next generations capability to craft the future, based on the best patterns from the past.
02/07/10: YOU AS LEADER
You As Leader
I have been thinking about this idea today. Think of all the people in your life that you would label “Leader”…..
Next, describe how you think they are doing. Go for the best praise and the lowest criticism for each one of them. Take time to do this and be as honest as you can in your assessment of each one.
The Fifth Agreement
I am a fan of Don Miguel Ruiz. We have followed the philosophy in his “Four Agreements” for many years. Today as a new year begins, it seems fitting to recommend his next book, The Fifth Agreement. The concept, according to Ruiz and his son Jose, is that everything we do is based on agreements we have made — agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, and with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves. With these agreements we tell ourselves who we are, how to behave, what is possible, what is impossible. His idea of agreements corresponds to my notion of beliefs. Now he is adding an agreement that is dear to my heart. As an advocate of deep listening, this fifth agreement is right down my alley of beliefs. I am copying words written in the advertising promotion, which is a quick and easy way to review all five: