When someone asks me about my day, I get a thrill. Same in reverse. When I ask someone about their day, I get a thrill. So, if I like to be thrilled, then I can reach out, touch someone, and together we can create something optimistic or pessimistic. I really enjoy the answers to my questions. Each person is so different, so unique, and represents a story in action. Each holds unlimited possibilities. Each one of us was generated by an energy field that knows only possibilities. So, whatever I perceive, it becomes my reality. When I engage with someone on a one to one basis, I can be interested, enthusiastic, and friendly. They can, too. One person can make a huge difference.
All those someones come together in clusters called families, groups, teams, and tribes. Tribes are about connections. A group can become a tribe if there is a shared interest and a way to communicate that interest. Facebook is one communication method that allows us to be together. We form tribal connections. When the tribe assembles, good things can happen. I can use Facebook to ask, “How was Your Day?” “What shared interest do we have?” “How can we communicate?” I can use e-mail to reach out and communicate. Telephones, texting, and who knows what else will be coming down the technical innovations pike? Share Interest? Communication.? Possibility of a Tribe? Let’s talk about it.