Honoring my fascination with dreams, I learned a good method of working with them from the writings of Robert Johnson, Jungian analyst and author of many wonderful books.  He wrote “ He,” “She,” and “We.”  He said that his book, Inner Work, might have been called “It.”  I love his books and had the privilege of seeing him in person at the Jung Center in Houston, Texas many years ago.  I keep journals of my dreams and search for the meaning to me personally but also sometimes receiving deep meaning from the great Source energy.   Read more...


“To learn, to remember, and to experience is our gift as human beings.

We are changed.  To stop learning is to stop changing.

When we demonstrate what we have learned, the universe will never leave us behind.  Our change is our own evolution. “             Read more...


My first event in 2013 is a workshop I am planning for the women of our church.  The workshop will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday,  January 12, 2013 and end at 1:00 p.m.  Why the women of our church?  Since 2009, Paul and I have been enjoying our membership in Unity of Wimberley, a congregation of incredible people.  First, there was a core group from the beginning who were willing to put effort and time into the creation of this organization.  I am so grateful that they persevered through the founding years so that it could grow into the spiritual community that now exists.  There are artists, scientists, writers, naturalists, teachers, counselors, ranchers, entrepreneurs, business folks, healers, and many more categories of people who attend Unity of Wimberley.  We have found a spiritual home and are very grateful for the stimulating, growth-provoking Sunday services.  The leadership of Reverend Ellen Debenport is the major reason we like this community.  She is the real attraction factor and every talk she gives provides great food for spiritual growth.  Kit Holmes is music director and brings us to new spiritual levels of celebration in every service.

So, I want to give something back.   This workshop is my contribution to our Amazing Year, 2013,  at Unity of Wimberley.

“New Year-New You” is a workshop featuring the roles that women live, just because we are born female.  We are daughters, mothers, aunts, sisters, grandmothers, wives, lovers, independent women, mid-wives and spiritual women.  I will use my old Possible Woman workshop and condense it from the time span of one whole weekend to a short (four hour) workshop.  I intend it to be provocative, stimulating, inspirational, and safe.  I want to have fun with whomever shows up.  So I will incorporate some of Jean Houston’s mystery school, some of Jean Shinoda Bolen’s “Goddesses in Everywoman” and some of my own story as well as the stories of the women who attend.  All we have is our story and if we want to create an amazing year in 2013, this workshop will start that process.

If you are one of the women from Unity of Wimberley, please plan to attend.  Let me know if you are coming so that I can prepare for you.  I will have a sign-up sheet at church and the fee is a donation to Unity of Wimberley.  Yes, you may bring your friends even if they are not regulars at Unity.

Bring journals, dress comfortably, and prepare to open your heart and mind to the new year in the most amazing possibility ever.  Dream in advance about 2013, who you want to be, what you want to do, and the things you want to have.  Be ready to envision and receive your highest possible good, your truest self, and a future that creates your happiness advantage.

As my friend, Betty Rothenberger in California, signs her letters……..I, too, say…..

“in the dance…”

With love, Marj Barlow



Marion Woodman and the Feminine Principle

One of my favorite Jungian analysts and writers is Marion Woodman.  I have watched videos, read most of her books, and always enjoy what she has to say.  She wrote this article, published in O, The Oprah Magazine, which I hope you will read and enjoy.  She speaks to ideas that I hold to be true.  Thanks to Lindsay James for sharing the article.  I pass it along to my readers:


We’ve invented the wheel, cracked the code of DNA—so what’s next for humankind? Marion Woodman

, a pioneering Jungian analyst, and the author of ten books, believes that individuals and societies were meant to grow. And our best chance for growth, she thinks, is to bring the feminine into our culture. The following is taken from an interview that Elizabeth Lesser conducted with Marion Woodman for  Read more...

Susan Ahern–an “eesy woman”

Many of my workshops have golden nuggets of joy that stay with me forever.  One of those workshops was at beautiful Serenbe near Atlanta, GA.  The name of this incredible retreat center was created by the owners to reflect what the retreat allows:  BE SERENE.  I have had several wonderful events there and am always amazed and thrilled with the setting, the beauty, and the great food served at Serenbe.

Susan Ahern attended one of those workshops and became inspired to write her book.  In fact, she completed the first chapter and read it to us at the retreat!  This week, I heard from Susan and she is going on a solitary one woman retreat to finish the book.  I will let you know what happens!  Susan thanked me for being a source of inspiration and support.  That is what I love to do most–inspire and support.

In my morning meditation, I had two insights:  First, the clock is always pointing to NOW.  Byron Katie says this in her book, A Thousand Names for Joy.  What a really incredible thought–such freedom to be in the only time there is–now!  Reminds me to get back to the truth of Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now.  Time is our illusion and space is our vacuum; both time and space are ours to craft and create.  My second insight was to recall how many women I have been privileged to know and work with over my 83 year life time.  Many of these women are my mentees, my “inspirees”  so I think of them as my “eesy women.”  What is an eesy woman?  She is the Possible Woman who is willing to look forward and upward in her spiral of imagination, intuition, intellect, insights and invention.  She is any woman who gets beyond the strictures of past programming, and on to possibilities for the future.  She is the woman who will open up to inspiration and mentoring.

Susan Ahern is today’s example of the Possible Woman–and “eesy woman.”  She is willing to be mentored and willing to allow herself to be inspired.  Out of that wellspring is coming her new creation–her book.  I wish her well and am excited about the completion of the book.  Stay tuned!

Maybe you are looking for inspiration or mentoring?   Maybe you have a book to write?  Let me hear from you……