The best method I ever found for my work with families, couples, and all relationships was the one called “Imago” (Latin word for image).  The theory was developed by Harville Hendrix and its growth and continuation has been enhanced by his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt.  This couple has been transparent over these many years, allowing us to learn and grow from their experience as a committed couple, devoted to healing and evolutionary expansion. Read more...

The AMAZING Power of Deliberate Intent

The AMAZING Power of Deliberate Intent—Living the Art of Allowing by Abraham-Hicks is a book worth studying and reviewing over and over again.  I just started it once more for our morning reading time.  The sentiment in this book is exactly what I need to stay on track with my life.  I recommend it to you as a guidebook.  I copied some ideas from the book, paraphrasing to fit my life.  Hopefully, you will discover the benefit to you.  I have expressed the ideas in affirmation form.  Read, internalize, and enjoy: Read more...