Blog Post:
October 28, 2018
I have not posted here in several years. I spent the last three years care taking my husband, Dr. Paul Barlow, who passed away July 21, 2018. I have been working through my grief and planning my future.
Blog Post:
October 28, 2018
I have not posted here in several years. I spent the last three years care taking my husband, Dr. Paul Barlow, who passed away July 21, 2018. I have been working through my grief and planning my future.
Crossing the River of Change
Note from Marj: Many of you know how I love the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. I first heard him at the “Crossings” here in Austin. He was on the program with Lynn McTaggart who wrote The Field. Also, I had seen him in the movie, What the Bleep Do we Know? His books, Evolve Your Brain and Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself were excellent. And now, I am studying his latest book, YOU ARE THE PLACEBO. Today, I read in that book the following excerpt. I believe it is totally worth your time to read it carefully. His work is phenomenol, in my opinion. This is very good!! Enjoy:
“To learn, to remember, and to experience is our gift as human beings.
We are changed. To stop learning is to stop changing.
When we demonstrate what we have learned, the universe will never leave us behind. Our change is our own evolution. “
We are hardwired to be negative! Do you believe that statement? I am investigating the ways in which I have a sort of knee-jerk response to whatever comes my way. I have embraced a self-development course that I call “Merciless Self Awareness.” What I have discovered about myself fits all that I read regarding our reptilian brain. That is the part of the brain where we are thick-skinned and cold blooded in our effort to survive. Survival requires vigilance, alert suspicion, and high stress to avert possible predators. Just like reptiles, we want the habits of comfort and predictability. And, just like reptiles, our brains are hardwired to fight, flight, freeze, or die.