One of the best gifts ever came to us on March 4, 2008, when we had an audience with Dr. Joe Vitale. The gift was from a friend of the long road. We knew it was an very expensive gift because Dr. Vitale does not take private appointments any more. We arrived at his country home near Wimberley, TX at our appointed time to be met at the front porch by both Joe and his love, Nerissa. Joe was barefoot which set the tone for a lovely, informal, friendly visit around their kitchen table. If you read his blog post, you will notice that his version of the visit placed emphasis on our gratitude, which was very real and very sincere. The effect on Paul and me was pure magic in a different direction. They gave far more than we did. Both Nerissa and Joe are 5-star listeners, which is the top ranking I can give when someone really does connect with what I say and what I mean.
I took in my ‘carpet bag’ two Gallup books that I use in the Strengths Coaching I do for Interface, Inc. I gave Joe the book, “StrengthsFinder 2.0” and Nerissa got “How Full Is Your Bucket?” Both books are by Tom Rath and both have codes in the back that allow one person to go online and take a short assessment, after which they receive their top five Strengths and explanations about them. I wanted one for Joe and one for Nerissa, (hoping that we would get to meet her, too.) Here is where you really cannot outgive Joe Vitale. After I presented the books to them and we discussed the notion of psychological brainwashing described in the Bucket book, Joe went to his library and brought back an armload of books. Some were his and others were by authors I admire. I would gladly have bought the ones we didn’t have, but he gave them, even personalized his autograph. We are reading the one about P.T. Barnum, finding it fascinating from a marketing viewpoint as well as a good biography of an unusual human being. The others (nine in all, to be exact) wait like candy saved for a special day. Joe included a book on Positive Psychology Coaching, a real target gift. I am studying that book for my next trip to Interface, where I will meet with the Strengths Coaches for the company.
Paul received the most lovely of all gifts–an idea–a super idea–a gold star idea-for the project he is working on. We came home riding very high on a feeling of joy and inspiration. I will reveal later the outcome of Paul’s project, for it is in real production now. There is no better moment in life than a moment of pure “presence”, a NOW moment where all is–that’s it–just the “isness” of being. I am more certain than ever now that we live in the present. The past is over except for our memory; the future is waiting in the arena of our intentions. Many of the people I have worked with were suffering from past hurts or future anxieties. I now believe, maybe I know, that life exists only in the eternal now.
Thanks to our good friend who gave the gift; thanks to Paul for being so open to life; thanks to Joe and Nerissa for a golden hour of “NOW”. Life is good, all is well, and I am grateful!!