To my readers: Doc Klein and I were talking about innovations in Education. I am posting this account of a very innovative teaching experience conducted by my husband long before we ever met. I asked Paul to write a brief summary of his very creative year with a third grade class in Pueblo, Colorado in 1956-57. My real regret is that I somehow never was able to video his slide presentations where he told the stories of these children in his University lectures. The methods are still progressive and applicable to all ages of people who are learning from each other in unusual ways. Here is the summary in Paul’s own words:
Year: 2012
THE NEW AGE: An Apologia by Cindy Sullivan
My good friend, Cindy Sullivan, wrote this essay. I like it so much that I want to share it with my readers. If you are a baby boomer, you will relate. If you are the parents of the baby boomers, you will also relate. And if you are of the generations before or after the baby boomers, it still will be powerful to read. Cindy read it aloud to our Women’s Wisdom group last week. It is even more gripping when you hear it in person. Thank you to Cindy for allowing me to share it with all of you. Let us know what you think!
A Deep Dive into Self
Thoughts on waking this morning:
We are meeting with a wonderful facilitator as we plan for the next Tribal Gathering at Interface. Doc Klein is a mountain climber and systems thinker. He is helping us design the program. I have enjoyed getting to know him and really am learning from his writings, his leadership, and his guidance. I am grateful for his inspiration, which brought about these thoughts this morning. He introduced the idea of creating an amazing year. I am caught up in what that might mean to me, to my family, to my world. Doc also took us through a whole day of team creativity. We arrived at the concept of three circles. One was for the SELF; another for our ORGANIZATION; and the third for COMMUNITY/SOCIETY. Then Lindsay James, our biomimicist, suggested that a fourth circle could be drawn around the whole picture. The fourth, all encompassing circle is NATURE. All of this ingenuity has stimulated my mind-brain highly. So when I awoke this morning, these ideas were swarming and I want to share them with you.
Interesting People: Ingrid Martine and her book, The Ungame
Ingrid Martine spoke at the Alternative Health Forum at Unity of Wimberley this week. Her warm and friendly manner made everyone feel at ease and comfortable. She has a delightful way of bringing profound truth into clear, understandable words. Her warmth and cheerful disposition made the talk quite enjoyable. I like her book The Ungame–Fourplay to Business as UnUsual. She gets to the heart of innovative business management through a story about a leader who is learning how to do business in a new, unusual way. Ingrid is a coach and has a deep interest in ecology and sustainability of the earth’s resources. She is smart, creative, and engaging so I recommend her and her book.
For My Friends at Unity of Wimberley
Here are the “Get Happy” Cards for your use. I will leave them on the website until June 1, 2012. Enjoy!
I created these cards to help you “Get Happy”.
My own life is my proof that happiness is really a choice. It is not so much based on “happenings” from the outside, as it is based on our internal choices. We do, actually, have a choice of what we believe, what we think, what we feel, and what we do. We have a choice of response to every stimuli that comes to us. Awareness of each of those components is the doorway to growth of consciousness. It all shows up in the way we live our life story every day and in every way. If you are unhappy, I have a sincere desire to offer a way to change. Please read on…..